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Recent Articles

Nov 16

What Does the SEC Mean to Main Street Investors?

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a U.S. government oversight organization charged with overseeing and enforcing our nation’s federal securities laws. Founded at the peak of the Great Depression and after the passing of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the agency’s mission consists of three primary objectives:   

  • Protecting Main Street investors who depend upon the nation’s financial markets to help create their financial wellness and future financial security  

Nov 16

Forget the Scale — Resolve to Boost Your Retirement Savings in the New Year

By Nikki Young, CFP® 
Northwest Financial Advisors 


Many of us vow to lose weight and get in better physical shape in the new year. And unfortunately, many of us fail. Instead of spending money on an expensive gym membership or fancy workout gear, consider putting that money toward your retirement nest egg next year.  

Increasing your retirement savings may not be as hard as you think. And it sure beats dieting! Here are some tips to help you get started — or restarted — on your retirement savings. 

Jun 06

Financial Traps to Avoid

By R. Todd Holden, Financial Advisor


There’s a reason why even athletes, entertainers and businesspeople with seven-figure (and higher) incomes suddenly find themselves filing for bankruptcy. Money mismanagement can eat through even the biggest bankrolls. Here are some specific threats to financial stability that people can avoid to help effectively manage their finances.

Nov 04

Why Attempting To “Time the Market” is a Difficult Strategy

By Nikki Young, CFP®,  Financial Advisor

Market timing is an investment strategy in which investors move in and out of the markets to try to avoid losses before they happen and then buy back in at the bottom after the market has crashed. Buying low or selling high is a prudent strategy for most investors. However, buying lowest or selling highest — or trying to time the market perfectly — is an elusive strategy, one that is difficult to execute and may lead to lower returns and missed opportunities.

Nov 04

Old Annuity – Gold Mine or Money Pit?

By Todd Holden, Financial Advisor

Annuities are contracts between the annuity owner and an insurance company — nothing more, nothing less. Like any contract, they have terms. Sometimes, these terms turn out to favor the annuity owner, and a smart owner can use these terms to their advantage. Other times the contract terms favor the company, and the annuity owner should get out of the contract as quickly as possible. Below is an example of both:


Gold Mine

Jan 11

Identity Theft and Taxes

Protect your personal information — especially your Social Security number — from identity thieves.

Identity theft is rampant in America. And tax-related identity crimes are among the fastest-growing offenses. Learn what the IRS is doing — and the steps you can take to stay protected.